About HOPE

What is HOPE

The Hope Foundation is a registered charity working with street-connected and slum-dwelling children in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India.

We work to free children and poor families from lives of pain, abuse, poverty and darkness.

Living on the streets, children are exposed to horrendous physical and sexual abuse. Those who survive are left to fend for themselves, with no promise of a safe future. They are forced to work from as young as five years of age to earn money for food and so cannot go to school. HOPE works to free them from child labour. HOPE funds and operates 58 projects.

The Hope Foundation Provides

Protection Education Healthcare Vocational Training Emergency Response

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life for the most marginalised street and slum connected children and communities, primarily in India. Ensuring their basic rights and enhancing their dignity of life, through protection, health, education and economic development in a sustainable life cycle approach. 

Our Aim

To support the development of underprivileged sections of society through partnership, support and capacity building.

We believe in sustainable development. Our programmes aim to give street and slum children in Kolkata the support needed to create better futures.

Our Vision

“A world where it should never hurt to be a child.” Restoring childhoods to children and sustainability to individuals and communities.